Park Organisation

Organisational Structure

Administrative setup of the GHNP
GHNP Organization chart (Click to enlarge)

GHNP Organisation chart (Click to enlarge)

Beat This is the lowest administrative unit of the department. Forest Guard looks after this unit. There are 21 beats in GHNP
Block This is the second step of the hierarchy which is controlled by Block officer/ Deputy Ranger. There are 8 blocks in GHNP
Range This is the important unit of the forest department which keeps the liaison between department and the public. Range officer is the in charge of the Range. There may be 3-4 Blocks and 9-10 beats under one range officer. There are 3 ranges in GHNP
Division All the above ranges constitute a division. Divisonal Forest Officer is the head of this unit who controls all the 3 ranges under this unit with assistance of ACF ( Assistant Conservator of Forests).
Circle This is highest field functional unit, manned by Conservator of Forests. Under this circle two Divisions namely GHNP Division and Wild Life Division Kullu exists.