Park History

Great Himalayan National Park history

The Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP) was created to protect, sustain and propagate wildlife, under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.

It took 20 years, from inception to inauguration, for the park to be realised as part of the Indian protected area network.


1980-1983: International team of scientists, under the banner Himachal Wildlife Project, surveys Kullu district and recommends creation of GHNP in Banjaar area.

1984: Himachal government expresses intention to create GHNP.

1988: Settlement of rights of local communities in GNHP begins.

1994-99: World Bank funds Conservation of Biodiversity project, during which 16 village eco-development committees are founded to involve local communities in biodiversity conservation; Wildlife Institute of India conducts research project at GHNP.

1996: Biodiversity Conservation Society (BiodCS) registered to share responsibility for GHNP management.

1999: GHNP instated as India’s newest national park; compensation awarded to local communities previously identified as having traditional forest rights there.

2000: WSCG organisers form SAHARA (Society for Advancement of Hill and Rural Areas) to work with GHNP management.

2008: Research on western tragopan population in GHNP, in collaboration with Wildlife Institute of India.

2010: Proposal to declare 710 sq km Parvati watershed as Khirganga National Park in the north of GHNP to strengthen the conservation efforts.  Two Wildlife sanctuaries of Sainj and Tirthan proposed to be merged into GHNP for a higher protection status.

2011: Application to nominate GHNP as UNESCO World Heritage Site, submitted.

2012: IUCN evaluation team visits GHNP for critical analysis of the property.

2013: GHNP ‘s  nomination considered and put in referral list; Management council constituted by involving all the heads of 13 local governing bodies.

2014: GHNP is awarded World Heritage Natural Site status in the proceedings of the 38th World Heritage Committee meeting at Doha, Qatar; Two Wildlife Sanctuaries – Sainj and Tirthan, of the property be retained as wildlife sanctuaries and not to be merged with the national park.

2015: GHNP logo registered by Govt of Himachal Pradesh; Confirmed sighting of rare and elusive “serow” made in GHNP; The official website of the park launched.